Sabtu, 26 Maret 2011

Mozilla: No Firefox for iPhone

IPhone users can only experience the Firefox Home

Mozilla has confirmed that the developer did not provide a mobile version for the Apple iPhone. As is known, Mozilla Firefox now developing products Home for mobile devices or handsets.

Firefox Home is not unusual applications like Opera Mini browser. The product is a cloud computing-based applications. With Firefox Home, iPhone users can access the history of the desktop, open the bookmark, and the last tab in the desktop browser on the phone instantly.
To use it, users simply connect the Firefox Home and Firefox Sync account. Furthermore, Firefox Home will give you access Awesome Bar Search, which lets users open tabs, bookmarks and browsing history.
"We continue to strive so that the performance and experience of Firefox can be present in Firefox Home. There are so many iPhone users who want the features of Firefox can be embedded in Firefox Home, but it's not easy," said Mozilla.

"But specifically for the iPhone, there are some technical limitations and logistical obstacles," he said.

However, earlier this month, the latest Firefox Home is scheduled to appear for the iPhone. The latest update offers several new features, including accessing the browser tab is opened on a desktop browser. Awesome bar to access the search and the bookmark is faster, easier access to browsing history, and supports Firefox Sync server.

Users also do not need to type a username and password on iPhone after sync. In addition, users can customize the search engine and theme (Firefox Panorama) on his iPhone. Synchronize Facebook, Twitter, and various other social networking applications can run seamlessly in the Firefox Home.

With these features, Firefox Home is expected to offer a better browsing experience for their iPhone. The application also supports 16 additional languages ​​other than English. Interestingly, Mozilla presents all for free.

Meanwhile, Mozilla Firefox Home is currently preparing for Symbian and BlackBerry operating systems. "We want to offer the Firefox Home to a broader scale. And, the two platforms is controlled 60 percent of global smartphone. We also plan to develop a version of the iPad. But, everything is still the stage of the process," said Mozilla.

For applications Fennec, or a web browser for mobile devices such as Opera Mini, now also being developed. Reportedly, the Beta version is available for the Android platform. (Information Week) (Article).

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